Here’s what’s happening in Portland and how we can help

Dave Killen/The Oregonian via AP

Right now protestors in Portland, OR are being occupied by unidentified and aggressive federal troops. Constitutional rights are being violated and innocent progressive people are experiencing violence and trauma while peacefully protesting racial and social injustice.

Members of the Portland community have been taking to the streets to demand equality for over a month, following the police killing of George Floyd.

Now, protestors are being attacked by militarized federal agents all because they believe Black Lives Matter. They have shot non-violent protestors in the head with kinetic impact munitions, taken them away in unmarked cars, and repeatedly tear gassed them.

Oregon state officials have filed a lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Marshals Service, the United States Customs and Border Protection, and the Federal Protective Service because of the extreme force being used.

Since Trump has sent federal troops to Portland, protests have, in fact, grown larger. We will not be silenced. An injury to one of us is an injury to us all!

Here are three things you can do right now to help support and protect protestors in Portland.

  1. DONATE to Rosehip Medic Collective: A group of volunteer medics and healthcare activists in Portland, who provide first aid and emergency care at the protests, direct actions, and other sites of resistance and struggle.

  2. EMAIL Congress telling them to end militarization and the over-policing of our communities now. Click here.

  3. CALL the United States Attorney General William Barr and demand he remove federal troops from Portland. (202) 353-1555


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